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KynoLogisch Science Series | PhD Márta Gácsi: „Unlocking the Power of Social Learning in Dog Training“

7.12.2023 -18:00 - 20:00

KynoLogisch Science Series

Für alle, die Wissenschaft lieben: Forscherinnen und Forscher mit kynologischer Spezialisierung öffnen in unseren Webinaren live für Euch ihre Labortüren: Wie erforscht man Hundeverhalten? Was bringen die Erkenntnisse im Alltag? Mal in Deutsch, mal in Englisch – und immer hochaktuell.


Unlocking the Power of Social Learning in Dog Training

In the realm of dog training, the predominant emphasis revolves around classical and operant conditioning methods. Regrettably, social learning, which capitalizes on a dog’s capacity to acquire knowledge through observation and interaction, and the effectiveness of social rewards often remain overlooked. Nonetheless, integrating social learning into existing training methodologies can prove to be a valuable enhancement.

In this webinar, PhD Márta Gácsi will offer insights into the latest research findings regarding the potential of social learning, complemented by her own pioneering studies.

120 Minuten inkl. 10 Minuten Pause | Live-Chat mit der Dozentin


PhD Marta Gacsi


Márta Gácsi is senior researcher at the Ethology Department of Eötvös Loránd University, working within the framework of the Family Dog Project, Budapest. Her research is focusing on the development of dog-owner attachment, wolf-dog comparative studies, dog-human communication, dogs’ olfactory abilities, social learning, and the neurobiological background of dogs’ socio-cognitive abilities. She has developed non-invasive methodology to train dogs to participate in the first fMRI studies. She has established ethologically sound methods for training assistance dogs for children in Hungary.



07.12.2023 von 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr






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